Shino Ejinn

Artificer, Former Maelstrom Navigator



  • 30 | Cis Woman | she/her

  • Xaela | Ejinn Clan

  • RDM | SGE

  • Bisexual | Switch, Sub primary.

  • + Charismatic, innovative, attentive, independent

  • - Procrastinator, scatterbrained, obstinate, cowardly

Upon laying eyes on her, one likely wouldn't think too much of Shino at first. Despite being above average height for a female Xaela, her stature is very lean compared to her brethren; a swimmer's build composed of lean muscle rather than the bulk suited for battle across The Steppe. A blank, disinterested expression adorns her sanguine features; freckled cheeks accented with characteristic onyx scales and golden eyes that bore into whatever holds her attention. Wine colored bangs add another frame to her still youthful face, though choppy locks brush past the curled, onyx horns that adorn either side of her head. The rest of her hair is gracefully tossed over the opposite shoulder, somewhat delicate merlot waves draped against her scaled neck.Said scales continue under ornate clothing, plating that stretches over lithe shoulders and down her spine, branching out to curl about her hips. However, scarring across her left hip looks to cut the normally symmetrical plating in two, an unusual mark given her combat avoidant professions. A strong, barbed tail curls around her person while she stands still, though it elects to stretch back out behind her when she takes her first few steps.In spite of apparent disinterest, the Xaela is quite the conversationalist, always ready and willing to hear of the wayward stranger's tale of their own adventures.


  • Key of Enoch: Under the watchful eye of her friend and business partner Ryouhei Yesuga, Shino has started to work part time as a sales clerk and artificer at his emporium. Though she takes her job seriously, that doesn't stop her from arriving fashionably late with coffee in tow. Perhaps you'd like to pay a visit to Key of Enoch to see if anything catches your eye.

  • Gao the Lesser Panda: A one thousand yalm stare watches you from across the room before lazily sliding to the nearest bit of nearby food, as that's clearly more interesting. The gaze belongs to a tubby, fuzzy lesser panda nuzzled in to the Xaela's shoulder. Perhaps she doesn't know her companion is being so rude and requires notification. She does have her nose in that tome, after all.

  • Contract Work: This particular Xaela is also an independent artificer and enchantress for hire. Perhaps you've seen her advertisements plastered on the boards in town and require her services. Do not hesitate to ask!

  • Navigator: Shino was, at one point, a well known marine navigator for the Maelstrom. She has worked with many different crews on many different missions and vessels. If you recognize her from back then, she'd love to catch up!

  • Feel free to send a tell if you've got an idea of your own! I'm always open to discussion. Mature themes permitted but please be tasteful. Past connections are also a possibility, so let's work something out!


  • 29, they/them

  • Slice of life | Relationship | Lighthearted | Long Term

  • RP tag = IC and open for RP tells.

  • Para/Multi preferred, but I'll mirror you.

  • 21+ for any interactions, IC or not.

  • IC=/=OOC. I am not Shino. She is not me. Please respect that line. I am not interested in OOC relationships beyond friendships. Thank you.

  • Mare user, ask for my code to pair. ♥

  • Discord available after we've gotten to know each other.

  • Feel free to ask about any of the artists featured in my gallery. I can't get captions to work.

  • Thank you for taking the time to read through my carrd! I have been roleplaying for ~12+ years, but Eorzea is still new to me. Because of this, I tend to type a little slow. I appreciate your patience if we write together. :)

  • Current DC/Server: Crystal/Balmung